Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices

Agile Practices Individuals and interactions over process and tools working well with others, communicating, and interacting is more important than raw programming talent tools can be overemphasized, start small until you outgrow it Working software over comprehensive documentation software without documentation is a disaster, but too much is worse than too little maintain a rationale… Continue reading Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices

Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams

Managing the Human Resource Intro managers try to treat people as modules Somewhere Today, a Project is Failing 15% (worse for bigger projects) software projects fail due to people-related issues, not technology high tech illusion: we are in high-tech business we are mostly in the human communication business focus on the technical, because it is… Continue reading Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams

What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It’s True

Notes from talk have high standards when evaluating new methodologies / look for citations 10-100x developer study based on a small number of developers in the 60’s newer study looked at ~50 and each person for less than 1 hour Lutz Prechelt has done many studies here Study has shown errors correlated to lines of… Continue reading What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It’s True

Shoe Dog

Excerpt from end of book. God, how I wish I could relive the whole thing. Short of that, I’d like to share the experience, the ups and downs, so that some young man or woman, somewhere, going through the same trials and ordeals, might be inspired or comforted. Or warned. Some young entrepreneur, maybe, some… Continue reading Shoe Dog