Think Like a Freak

Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain Thinking like a Freak Trying to think more creatively and rationally Viewing things from different angles and with different expectations Hard to do because existing biases and herd mentality I Don’t Know Hard to really understand complicated things Studies on expert predictions… Continue reading Think Like a Freak

James Altucher Podcast – Stephen Dubner – 05/2015 Stephen Dubner is one of the authors of the Freakonomics books When to Rob a Bank is new book consisting of best blog posts from past 10 years Levis tends to throw himself into a situation while Dubner tends to raise a question Writing tends to be about ideas vs. specific things making more… Continue reading James Altucher Podcast – Stephen Dubner – 05/2015